Digital Transformation + Change Management

Private Sector


Jacobs, a global Fortune 250 engineering and construction firm, wanted to transform how its more than 12,000 project team members delivered projects. The goal: Build new processes and technologies to enable more streamlined projects and happier clients—and do so using Agile methodologies so everything is done with user buy-in from the start.


The Strategy

Like all of us, most team members were relatively satisfied with the way things were. And like any consumer base, engagement was a mixed bag: there was a small super engaged and ready-to-change group, a few vocal detractors, and whole bunch of people in the middle. We designed a strategy—mixing the disciplines of change management and product marketing—that created opportunities to get involved at the onset, spread the word from the bottom up, and deliver a consistent cadence of updates from the top down.

The Tactics

pilot groups

communications toolkits for people leaders

monthly briefings with people leaders

virtual tech open houses

hub pages on the corporate intranet for initiatives and products

digital adoption platform

The digital transformation was segmented into several different initiatives. Each went through its own change management planning process, including creating a messaging framework.

Content blurred for confidentiality.

Content like this “release in a box” presentation was provided to users prior to each new product release. A select group of product champions received a specific briefing to help them cascade information throughout the organization.


Brand Design + Management


Internal Crisis Communications